
The 8 Aspects of Wellness

Wellness is a measure of both physical and mental health. If an individual has diabetes, for example, this will affect their mental state. Similarly, an individual’s mental state, whether it be positive or negative, will affect their physical state. Moreover, problems in one area will likely impact the other. Regardless of your life situation, you can always be working towards wellness in one or more of the following aspects:

Emotional: Our emotional wellness stems from creating satisfying relationships at home, in the workplace, and elsewhere. It is through these relationships that we dictate how effectively we cope with life and its challenges.

Financial: Money is not the main source of happiness, but for many it can heavily impact wellness. Being financially well means satisfaction with current and future financial situations.

Occupational: We spend most of our day in the workplace. As a result, it is important that the work environment encourages development in one’s career path and personal satisfaction.

Social: Human beings want to feel like they are apart of something greater than themselves. Social wellness involves developing a sense of belonging and connection with others.

Environmental: Our daily environment needs to be stimulating and pleasant to foster good health and wellness.

Intellectual: The ability to recognize our creative abilities and expand or develop personal skill sets defines intellectual wellness.

Physical: This dimension of wellness is typically what everyone associates with “being well” when in fact, it is only a small part. We can become physically well by recognized our needs for nourishing foods, adequate sleep, and daily movement.

Spiritual: Spiritual wellness can be achieved when an individual expands his/her sense of purpose in life.


