
Amy’s Story

Amy has been seeking wellness through nutrition and weight change her entire life. After years of special diets, Amy only ever gained the weight back that she had lost, plus more. Amy recalls “most of the diets I tried involved eating pre-packaged foods, so once I was off the diet and eating on my own, the weight cam right back.” Two years ago, Amy’s approach to weight loss and wellness changed. Initially, she was motivated by a $1000 travel voucher in a weight loss competition because she loves to travel. At this point in time, she was 324 pounds. Amy started to set goals that were achievable for her. She was walking three miles each day and eating real food while also keeping track of her intake. Amy was losing weight, but she still did not understand why she wasn’t feeling her best. Why did she struggle with weight since childhood?

Amy soon made an appointment at a wellness practice called Nutritional Weight & Wellness where she met with Cassie, a member of the wellness team. “After my first visit, I had so many questions answered. Cassie taught me about insulin resistance and balanced eating…the science made sense to me right away.” Amy felt more in control of her weight and wellness and in addition to losing 50 pounds, she has more energy, improved sleep and digestion, and her acid reflux has significantly reduced allowing her to cut back on her medication. Amy has been able to keep the weight off that she has lost for the past two years.
